Student Research Highlights

Alex Apgar

Alex Apgar, MS, PhD Student

Earth and Planetary Sciences
Mentors: Jason Moore and Corinne Myers

Assessing Ecological Relationships Among Late Triassic Vertebrates in Petrified Forest National Park


Andreanna Roros

Andreanna Roros, MS Student

Earth and Planetary Sciences
Mentors: Adrian Brearley, Jose Cerrato, and Eliane El Hayek

Analysis of metal-bearing particulate matter from aeolian transport at the Jackpile-Paguate Mine, Pueblo of Laguna, New Mexico



Blair Mirka, PhD Student

Mentor: Christopher Lippitt

America's Next Top Model: 3D Modeling for Museums and AI


Ceara Purcell

Ceara Purcell, PhD Student

Earth and Planetary Sciences
Mentors: Corinne Myers

Paleoecology of the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway





Joseph Kleinkopf

Joseph Kleinkopf, PhD Student

Mentor: Hannah Marx

The alpine flora: Where do we go from here?



Katie Goss

Katie Gosss, PhD Student

Earth and Planetary Sciences
Mentors: Adrian Brearley and Charles Shearer

Nano- and microstructures of apatite and zircon in lunar samples: Implications for endogenous lunar volatile reservoirs and the age of the Moon



Laurel Martinez

Laurel Martinez, MS Student

Mentor: Thomas Turner

Shifting reproductive strategies in riparian plant communities after restoration




Rhiannon Nolan, MS, PhD Student

Earth and Planetary Sciences
Mentor: Corinne Myers

Testing the Niche Center Hypothesis on Pleistocene Bivalves from the Gulf Coast